A. Types of Research
Research classified into 3 parts.
1. Types of research based on approach
Based on approach, research can be divided into two kinds. They are:
a. Quantitative Research
a. Quantitative Research
Quantitative research concern with the measurement of attitudes, behaviours and perceptions. The aims of quantitative research are to find relationships and explain the causes of changes in the social facts which measurable.
Quantitative research has a standard set of procedures.
This research believe that research should value free (Stainback:2003) and objective, so that the relationship between researcher and respondent must be kept to be independent or objective.
In this research the researcher using questionnaires and tests. It can be used to examine the IQ tests, personality tests, etc..
b. Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is research undertaken to gain insights concerning attitudes, beliefs, motivations and behaviours of individuals to explore a social or human problem.
It is more directed to understanding social phenomena from the perspective of respondents. To examine more deeply about the respondents. Therefore the researcher must know the respondents well.
Qualitative research using a flexible procedure. The instrument is the researcher itself.
The methods on qualitative research are participant observation, case study, and in-depth interviews. It has natural setting as the direct source of the data and researcher is the key instrument.
The research was used to examine:
- Understand someone’s feeling
- Ensure the correctness of data
- Understanding social interaction
2. Types of Research Based on the Function
Generally divided into three kinds of research. They are :
a. Basic Research
Basic research aimed at testing and development of the theory, do not connect the results for the benefit of practice. It is directed to solving social problems.
The aims of basic research are :
- Increase our knowledge with the fundamental principles and scientific laws.
-Improve searching and scientific methodology.
-Improve searching and scientific methodology.
- Discover new knowledge that has not previously been known.
Basic research is generally carried out in laboratory and the conditions are very strict.
For example, as the scientists who discovered the new laws or new findings about anything.
b. Applied Research
Related to realities of practice, application and development of knowledge generated by basic research.
The aim is to apply knowledge or products.
Applied research encourages further research, suggests a new theory and practice, and encourage the development of methodology.
a. Evaluative Research
Evaluative research is focused on an activity in a particular site.
These activities may take the form of programs, such as processes / work, while the sites are places, organizations, or institutions.
The purposes of this research are to quantify the benefits, donations and the feasibility of a particular program or activity.
The implementation of evaluative research requires the ability to communicate with the practical language appropriate to the situation observed, but also focused on aspects that are meaningful to policy makers.
This research helps leaders to determine policies and can add the knowledge of certain activities and to encourage further research or development.
There are 2 kinds of evaluative research, namely:
1. Action Research
Action research is a methodology that combines action and research to examine specific questions, issues, or phenomena through observation and reflection, and deliberate intervention to improve practice.
This research carried out by the practitioner to solve or fix the problems facing the implementation of an activity.
Action research is a special type of education research that involves the following features:
- Collecting of data about a current education practice or program and the resulting outcomes.
- Reflection on the information acquired.
- Development and implementation of an improvement plan.
- Collecting of data on the practice or program after changes have been made.
- Development of conclusions about the results of the improvement plan.
2. Policy Research
This research focuses on the study of the past development policy or the current.
Directed to:
- Examines policies formulation ( target)
- Test the implementation of a program associated with a policy
- Test the effectiveness and efficiency of policies.
For example: the government's policy regarding the prohibition of wearing short skirts while in office and policies of teacher certification.
- Test the implementation of a program associated with a policy
- Test the effectiveness and efficiency of policies.
For example: the government's policy regarding the prohibition of wearing short skirts while in office and policies of teacher certification.
3. Types of Research Based on Objective
Based on the research objectives can be divided into four, they are :
a. Descriptive Research
a. Descriptive Research
Descriptive research aimed to describe a real situation or phenomena.
The researchers did not manipulate or provide specific treatments against the object of research.
It can be used in this study a quantitative approach, the collection and measurement of data in the form of numbers or with qualitative approaches, qualitative depiction of the situation in the narrative.
Descriptive research can be done at this time or in a short period, but can also be done in a long time. The current study is called descriptive research, while research is conducted within a long period of time called a longitudinal study.
b. Predictive Research
Predictive research aimed to predict or estimate what will happen or underway in the future based on the analysis of the current situation.
Descriptive research that are conducted through correlational research and trends. Through correlational studies, can be searched in addition to the correlation between two or more than two variables can also be calculated regression. This can be predicted through the impact or contribution of one variable to another variable.
Predictive research can also be done through the study of the trend. By looking at the developments over a certain period, at present or the past can be seen the trend in the future.
For example: the prediction of the population five years from now can be calculated based on population growth over five years ago.
c. Improvetive Research
Improvetive research intended to improve, enhance or improve a situation, activity, or the execution of a program.
Programs or activities in the implementation of such education, curriculum implementation, learning, evaluation of a variety of subjects. And the program are : practice labs, library services, extracurricular activities, practice skills, etc..
To improve or enhance the implementation of the program or activity use action research, while to repair, improve or generate a standard program used models of research and development.
Experimental research as part of a research and development or as a separate method to determine the effect of a thing to other things can also be done in the improvetive research.
d. Explanative Research
Explanative research aimed to provide an explanation of phenomena or relations among variables.
In life we experience many things, facts, activities, events, developments, etc..that in this research we called as a variable.
Variables in the form of education, such as teacher can teach, guide, evaluate, students learn, do chores, truancy, graduation exams, the book is less, etc.. At some point we may look at these variables did not have any meaning, but at other times we see it as a confusing things, vague, chaotic.
Variables in the form of education, such as teacher can teach, guide, evaluate, students learn, do chores, truancy, graduation exams, the book is less, etc.. At some point we may look at these variables did not have any meaning, but at other times we see it as a confusing things, vague, chaotic.
Explanative research trying to find a clear relationship between them. This relationship can be shape in correlational or interconnected relationships, donation or contribution of one variable to another variable or a causal relationship.
Those relationships are examined in correlational research, and experimental research. Relationship can also be viewed from different background materials, which can be determined through comparative causal research.
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